Wednesday 26 November 2008

For Sunday 30th November - 10am

St Paul's will be hosting a parish service this Sunday, beginning at 10am. We will begin our new church year together as a parish, reflecting on the coming of our Lord Jesus and His call for us to keep watch so that we don't miss out the abundant gifts He has prepared for us.

Service will be followed by a shared lunch and then we're off to the soccer pitch for a social game of soccer (either as players or spectators). There will also be an opportunity for people to inspect the proposed site of our new church.

I look forward to seeing you all there.

God bless,
Pastor Matt

Tuesday 18 November 2008

For Sunday 23rd November, 8.30am

This coming Sunday we've had to rearrange our service times as we have a guest preacher, Pastor Allan Heppner, the District's Pastor for Congregational Support.

Pastor Allan will be leading studies in Shepparton on Saturday morning (9am - 11am) on outreach and evangelism, and will be following it up with a sermon on discipleship on Sunday morning. Service will begin at 8.30am.

I look forward to seeing you all there as this will be a wonderful opportunity for us to be reminded of how we are called to serve God by serving those around us.

God's peace,
Pastor Matt

Thursday 13 November 2008

For Sunday 16th November, 8.30am

This Sunday (16/11) Divine Service will begin at 8.30am.

As we enter the second last Sunday of the Church year, our thoughts continue to be on end times, and in particular, St Paul's admonition in 1 Thessalonians for us to be alert and self-controlled, encouraging one another and building each other up. Clearly this is not a call for the church to become a mutual admiration society. Instead it is a call for us to live with the end in sight. To live in such a way that we do not fall asleep through the neglect of our faith or allow our brothers and sisters in Christ to fall asleep and therefore be lost to the Lord. For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.

God's peace,
Pastor Matt

Saturday 1 November 2008

For 2nd & 9th November

My apologies for not posting these times earlier.

Service times as follows:

Sunday 2nd November - The Festival of the Reformation will be observed with Divine Service beginning at 8.30am.

Sunday 9th November - Service will begin at 11.00am

God's peace,
Pastor Matt