Monday 25 April 2011

He is risen!

We have had a huge, but amazing weekend. One of the highlights was our youth leading a 'Living Stations of the Cross' on Good Friday - we have an incredible bunch of young people who blessed us with a very moving reflection on the passion of our Lord.

Here's a couple of photos:

Our Easter Sunday celebration of the resurrection saw 8 baptisms and 11 adult confirmations, with about 140 attending worship on the day. It was chaotic to say the least, but what a joyful occasion. Photos are coming!

In between Good Friday and Easter Sunday I was privileged to preside at the blessing of the marriage of one of our Burundian couples - what an experience! Here's a photo of the groom showing the world he is committing himself to his dear bride with the giving of the ring.

As exhausted as we all are today, it's been the greatest joy to be part of such an amazing series of celebrations.

He is risen! Kristu amemefufuka!
Pastor Matt

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Service times for Holy Week

Service times for Holy Week are as follows:
Maundy Thursday: Service with Holy Communion and stripping of the altar; 8pm
Good Friday: Living Stations of the Cross led by GM Lutheran Youth; 10am
Easter Sunday: A celebration of the resurrection with Holy Communion.; 11am
During the service on Easter Sunday we will also celebrate the resurrection of 8 little ones through holy baptism, and the confirmation of 11 adults who have been undergoing instruction through Luther's Small Catechism.
Every blessing as you prepare to remember and celebrate all that our Lord Jesus has done for you, Pastor Matt

Thursday 7 April 2011

For Sunday 10th May - 11am

This Sunday worship begins at 11am, with our monthly shared lunch to follow. We'll be hearing perhaps the most well known passage from the prophet Ezekiel - the valley of the dry bones - and thinking about God continues to breath life into our sin dead bodies through the forgiveness of our sins.

The other readings are included below for your preparation.
FIRST READING Ezekiel 37:1-14 Vision of the valley of dry bones
Romans 8:6-11 The Spirit of God lives in you
John 11:1-45 The raising of Lazarus- Jesus’ last sign

Don't forget our gathering on Saturday night where I'll share images and stories from my time in Africa. We're using it as a fundraiser for the work of ALWS in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Sth Sudan.

God's peace,
Pastor Matt